Renaissance tenor viol

Images not yet available Renaissance tenor viol after Pellegrino de Micheli, same model as the one depicted here, with a different finishing, labeled Federico Lowenberger 2013 is one of the very last instrument crafted by him. It is sold as second hand, with atelier warranty. The instrument is soundpostless and without bassbar, strung in plain Read More …

G Violone – Pellegrino De Micheli

G Violone, reconstructed after a Bass Viol by Brescian luthier Pellegrino De Micheli (da Montichiari) son of Master Zanetto (De Micheli). This violone is the final component of the reconstruction of an early italian ensemble of viols, its size and proportions were decided with the precious help and experience of Mr Randall Cook, former teacher Read More …

Tenor – Pellegrino De Micheli

Tenor Viol reconstructed taking inspiration from an original Bass Viol from the 16th century, made by the Brescian Master Pellegrino son of Zanetto. The instrument comes with no soundpost/bassbar system; as an option carved or two pieces bent soundboard, carved lionhead pegbox (based on an italian original held in Paris) or reconstructed scroll. Wood selection: Read More …

Bass – Gasparo da Salo

Small bass viol, beginning of 17th century, based upon an original restored and held by italian master Carlo Vettori, attributed to the famous master Gasparo da Salo. Back, ribs and neck made of Maple, tailpiece, fingerboard, pegs made of pearwood. Soundboard available in both carved and two pieces bent options. This instrument is suitable for Read More …